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3780 Plainfield Ave, Grand Rapids, MI, 49525

What Businesses Grand Rapids Offer a Military Discount?

April 21st, 2021 by

Places in Grand Rapids, MI, with a Military Discount or Program Or U.S. military works hard to be courageous and committed to serving our country and many businesses want to give back to them. While some offer special sales and events during holidays like Memorial Day or Veteranā€™s Day, other businesses offer a discount year-round….

Where Can I Buy Books near Grand Rapids, MI?

February 15th, 2021 by

Best Bookstores to Visit near Grand Rapids, MI Since the COVID-19 pandemic started, many people started new hobbies or got back into old hobbies. One hobby that many people found they finally had more time for was reading. If you are someone who enjoyed being able to read more, you might have read through your…

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Where Can I Get Coffee in Grand Rapids, MI?

January 28th, 2021 by

Best Coffee Shops to Visit in Grand Rapids, MI We all have our go-to places for our morning cup of coffee before work or an afternoon meetup with friends. Usually these places are Starbucks, Dunkinā€™, or Tim Hortons. However, we prefer to visit local coffee because of their unique atmospheres and delicious coffee beans. If…

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Kool Toyota 43.031154, -85.626009.